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Tea Tree Oil For Pimples – 100% Natural Home Remedy

Tea Tree Oil For Pimples - 100% Natural Home Remedy

Pimples are the most common skin problem that we can encounter at any age. These are most common on the face, back, chest, and shoulders. This is due to the abundance of sebaceous glands in these areas of skin. Approximately 80% of youngsters & teenagers suffer from acne vulgaris, the most common cause of pimples. Around 3% men & 12% women under the age of 25 are affected by this.

Here’s how natural tea tree oil for pimples can help you:

  1. Antibacterial Properties: This mighty essential oil is packed with antibacterial properties making it a stellar solution for acne prone individuals. By eliminating harmful bacteria on the skins’ surface. Pure Tea tree oil reduces the probability of subsequent infections while promoting a visibly clear complexion.
  2. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Naturally tea tree essential oil is anti-inflammatory in nature, which can help to reduce redness & swelling associated with pimples.
  3. Unclog Pores: Herbal Tea tree oil can help to unclog pores and remove excess oil that can contribute to pimple breakouts.
  4. Dries Out Pimples: Organic Tea tree oil can help to dry out pimples, promoting faster healing and reducing the risk of scarring.

Home Remedy for Pimples using Tea Tree Oil

Therapeutic grade Tea tree oil can prevent or stop the growth of bacteria causing pimples. Tea tree oil needs to be diluted before being used on the skin. Start out with a 50/50 mixture of oil and water to observe how it performs. You can adjust the quantity, depending on your preference. The essential oil can be diluted with aloe vera as well. If you want more hydration, try using a carrier oil like jojoba.

How to use Tea Tree oil for pimples & acne?

Apply a few drops of quality tea tree oil on a pimple after diluting it with a carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil. You can also try to add a few drops of tea tree essential oil in your regular moisturizer or facial cleanser. Here are simple steps to use Tea Tree Essential Oil for pimples.

  • Place your dilution in a small bowl.
  • Cleanse your face using a gentle cleanser, then rinse with water that is cool to lukewarm, and finally, pat your skin dry.
  • Saturate a cotton ball with the solution and apply it to your whole face.
  • Let it dry and do not rinse.
  • Use this toner twice daily, in morning & evening time.
  • Please discontinue use immediately if you experience any irritation
  • Wash and pat dry your face before applying a small amount of oil-free moisturiser.

All kinds of pimples, ranging from blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules, cysts, mild acne, moderate acne, to nodulocystic acne, can benefit from this particular topical therapy.

Remember though some people might find undiluted tea tree oil irritating- particularly if they have sensitive skin. It’s recommended to perform a patch test on a small area of skin before using tea tree oil on a larger area, and to dilute the oil as directed. In case of any irritation or unfavorable side effects, halt the use of the product without delay and seek advice from a dermatologist.

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