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How to use cedarwood oil for hair

cedarwood oil for hair

Cedarwood oil for hair is a natural remedy, which helps to improve their health & appearance. Here are some unique ideas you can use cedarwood essential oil for your hair wellness:

  1. Mix it with Carrier Oil: Mix a few drops of FragWow cedar wood essential oil in a carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, mustard oil, almond oil or olive oil. Use this mixture to massage your hair scalp. Then wash it out with shampoo after 30 minutes.
  2. Add it to your shampoo or conditioner: Mix a few drops of FragWow cedar-wood oil to your favorite shampoo or conditioner and use it as per your routine of washing and cleaning your hair.
  3. Use cedarwood oil as hair serum: Mix a few drops of cedarwood essential oil with water. Spray it on your hair before styling to add shine and reduce frizz.
  4. Cedarwood oil for scalp treatment: Mix a few drops of cedarwood oil with carrier oil and massage it on your hair scalp. Let the scalp observe it for at least 30 min, then wash your hair.
  5. Cedarwood Oil for Hair Growth Treatment: Cedarwood Oil has been shown to help promote hair growth. Mix a few drops of cedarwood essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your scalp. Massage it well for a few minutes. Clean your hair with shampoo after a few hours. For optimal results, repeat this practice once or twice a week.
  6. Hot Oil Treatment for Hair scalps: In a microwave-safe container, warm a few drops of cedarwood oil with carrier oil for 10 to 20 seconds. Apply this mixture to your hair scalp. Put a shower cap and wrap a towel on your head. Wash your hair after 30minutes.
  7. Cedarwood oil for dandruff treatment: Cedarwood oil’s antifungal and antibacterial properties can help in treating issues like dandruff. Mix a few drops of cedarwood oil with carrier oil and apply it to your scalp. Massage your head scalp for a few minutes, then leave it for at least 30 minutes then wash it out with shampoo.
  8. Cedarwood oil for hair deodorizer: cedar-wood oil has a pleasant, woody scent that can help freshen up your hair. Use a spray bottle filled with water and a few drops of cedarwood essential oil as a hair deodorizer. Spray it on your hair & scalp as per the need.
  9. Cedarwood oil for hair detangler: Mix a few drops of cedar-wood essential oil with water. Spray it on the hair to use it as a hair detangler. This will make easier to manage your hair while brushing or combing on hair.
  10. Cedarwood oil as hair perfume: Mix a few drops of cedarwood oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the ends of your hair as a natural hair perfume. The woody scent of cedarwood essential oil can last for hours, providing a pleasant and long-lasting fragrance to your hair

As with any essential oil, it’s important to use cedarwood oil in moderation and always dilute it with a carrier oil before applying it to your hair. It may be irritating to some people if used directly on their skin or scalp.

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